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Our Philosophy


‘We Go Beyond’ is our philosophy to integrate Social Value through our business operations; providing environmental, social and economic benefits for our stakeholders into the future.

We are committed to:

• Delivering Prosperity for Local Communities

• Creating Healthy Sustainable Places

• Investing in our People





Newlands ESG and Sustainability Strategy

March 2023



Net Zero Approach

We are a member of Planet Mark and a signatory to the BPF Net Zero Pledge.

We are committed to analysing our carbon footprint throughout our business operations and integrating plans to minimise our impact and reduce our emissions by a minimum 5% year on year, in line with the NZC decarbonization pathway.

We will monitor our performance on a quarterly basis to ensure we continue to act as a responsible business.

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UN Sustainable Development Goals

Our commitments are underpinned by targeted objectives and opportunities in line with the following five UN Sustainable Development Goals.



Commit to supporting the UN Sustainable Development Goals and shadow UNGC principles (Human Rights, Labour, Environment and Anti-Corruption). Align with the UKGBC Advancing Net Zero program, BPF NetZero climate action pledge and the Better Buildings Partnership climate commitment.